Sunday, May 10, 2020

Special Series Introduction: Carnivore/Sous-Vide

Greetings!  I don't know if anyone other than myself actually reads this blog, but I've decided to do a special series of posts on the topics of Carnivore (aka Zerocarb) and Sous Vide cooking.  For the past couple of years, if you've paid attention to trends on this blog, you may have noticed my meals tend to consist of low to zero carbs.  As a result of my change in diet, my enthusiasm for reviewing restaurants has diminished somewhat, as my options for eating out have been restricted.  In addition, I have reviewed so many restaurants in my immediate vicinity that it now takes more effort to find something new, let alone interesting or good!  Thus the blog has languished with my haphazard updates.

Additionally, I frequently find myself having to explain to friends or family all about my journey towards eating Carnivore, answering questions about how that really works, whether I experience any side effects, how I don't get bored of eating meat, and how do I manage to keep the grocery bill manageable.  Add to that my recent obsession with Sous-Vide and those explanations.

So the other day I thought to myself in the shower (where else?) that maybe I should do a new blog or series of posts all about these topics, so that if someone was genuinely interested they could learn from my experience.

And here we are.  This is the introductory post...future posts are forthcoming, but here's my current plan:

Journey to Carnivore:  Baby Steps
Sous-Vide:  Equipment and Advice
One Main Recipe:  Sous-Vide Ground Meat with Cheese
Baking Bacon
Carnivore and Eating Out

I may add more over time as inspiration strikes.


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