Sunday, September 27, 2015

Hometown Grill

Location: Hometown Grill

Rating: Very good
Meal:  Dinner
Price:  .600 BHD
Payment:  Credit cards accepted
Dishes: Special Meat Shawarma
English Menu: Yes
Smoking: No (maybe though)

Hometown Grill is one of the new spots on Shebab Avenue since I was here last.  And a very welcome addition it is!  They advertise as Turkish grill, but I think they are pretty generic as far as grills go.  Not that I'm complaining, they have all the usual stuff, which I think is great!  

Since I had a rather large lunch and wasn't feeling up to a full meal I thought I'd try out the shawarma.  They had the usual chicken and meat (beef I'm told) and then something that started with an M that I can't recall precisely.  They said it had cheese in it.  Hmmm...kind of a risk, but I took it.

Wow, that was a tasty shawarma!  I know I harp on this, but in Yokosuka all of the shawarma stands (even my favorite one) just don't spice the meat very much.  Sometimes I wonder if it's just nostalgia that keeps me complaining, but really can taste that good!  If they added cheese it must have been a white pasty kind because it was smeared nicely.  Good, I was worried it would be kind of processed monstrosity.  There were some pickles in there and one or two french fries.  It was a bit lacking in greens, but oh well, it was still delicious.

Well, I really wish I had time to come back and try some of the great looking rice dishes they had (machmous, biriyani and something called a mandy).  Who knows, maybe I will get the chance to go back, it's on the way to and from work.  The Hometown Grill gets a Very Good.

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